Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Too many weird dreams.

This morning I had one of those I see dead people dreams. Though I can't go in the specifics of it but it had to do with foreseeing when my father will die. Anyway, the reason why I remember this dream is that two young girl ghosts inhabited my bed of my old house where I used to stay 6 years back. Now, I am a guy that hates kids, I hate kids cause they are immature lil brats that and I bust a ball everytime I see the buggers misbehave. But in this dream I found a welcoming, loving presence from the two girls. Half of the time I could see their transparent, ghostly bodies the other half I can't. They behave maturely and like children at time but also seek my attention in the dream. Either my playing poke and vanish games or by invisibly hugging me or sitting my lap. Funny thing is, I found kinda comforting to have them around me.

Either, I am starting to crave human company since I am sitting too long on this PC or my biological clock is ticking.

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