Monday, September 20, 2004

Dream Talk or too much Sci Fi.

Early this morning while I was trying to sleep, I heard in my semi sleep state my father and sister mention that the cat didn't look well and might be in pain. After much gabbling like geese the morons say leave it to me when I wake up. I mean wtf, something that small and important as whether the cat is well or not they can't determine themselves? Freaking idiots, never be on your death bed with this family.

So about I think 20 minutes later, the cat (named Brat) jumps on my bed and nestles between my legs. She like sleep between my inner thighs and calf muscles, must be like firm pillows. Usually, she starts licking herself over before getting too comfortable but didn't which I thought was not normal.

So I fell back in dream state and had a weird dream, basically you can say I was playing a game of Paint Gun War but with laser laggign equipment. So in the dream one of my teammates even though I can't see her was Brat. Somewhere during the game ask her whats was wrong as she was moody in the game. In an aussie guy's voice she replied (remember I can't see her but know it's her for some reason) says something is stuck in her teeth.

So after that the dream I reckon went on for another 2 minutes and then the cat jumped off. At that point the dream ended but I didn't immediately wake up. I woke up about 2 hours after my father and sister's idiotic conversation on the cat's health.

So I went to touch the cat's jaw and lo and behold she growled at me. Long story short, pack up Brat in a basket, she cried all the way, took her to the vet, he said might have been an abcess that popped, so a jab of 72 hour antibiotics and off home she comes. Gotta monitor and she if she feels worse tomorrow or better.

Of course I wonder if she dream messaged her problem but then that's you to figure out yourself after reading this. BTW am off to buy a 4D number which happens to be cat.

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