Saturday, June 07, 2008

Chim's Wedding

So Chim asked me if I can go to his wedding dinner, so I hopped in a car with Tim, Fang and Shin last night and drove to Ipoh.

My sis ask me to take some shots of Ipoh since her buddy mention what a sweet place it is. So here are the shots.

So at a rest stop I took a few pics. This is at the ass of the stop or kindly referred to as the rear. Around 3 something. Malaysian rainy season made the shots gloomy.

This is the front of the rest stop. As you notice, more hills and trees. Along the express ways you will see: trees, hills, tress, hills, hills being stripped, tress.

We stopped off to grab a bit of munchies around 4:30pm at 'suburb'. This shot is an example of the skyline. If you look at a Penang shot even there was not 5 storey buldings there be trees all over the place. As you can see cars but almost no people. At this stage you should find axes, parangs and guns because somewhere in the middle of town the zombies are gathering.

So we arrived at the restaurant around 6pm and as you can see still gloomy. I love Malaysia. Really. This is Ipoh town. The hub. The city centre. Stuff happens here. Honestly. I been told it does. That beigish bulding is the Hotel Excelsior. The restaurant we are eating is the seafood place near it (where I am taking the pics).

The man of the hour.

Chim assuring his guests that any medial costs for food poisoning is on his tab. Hahha j/k.

Chim's little known career move.

Shin ask me to shoot him. So I shoot him like a super model. Looks professional for an unemployed guy eh?

Shin 'networking'.

Shin giving us the sign that he is not coming back with us tonight.

The gang: Fung (retired and rich), Tim (Dr Dolittle) and Me (freelance/loader consummer tech journalist).Group hugs. Shin saying farewell to us before his midnight rendezvous. haha. Now if you all think I should lose some weight and get back my high school girlish figure then I'll 20 comments saying, 'Slim Jim Dude.' And I'lll excerise 5 days a week, 20 minute sessions each day. Of course, that will never happen since no many people read this blog so I am safe, suckahs! Instead, I go with the Moggie regiment of 1 once a week.


Anonymous said...

Dude, that is such a skewed view of Ipoh... it's not THAT dead! ;) And the "hub"... that's not the hub as such... you need to go further onwards towards Ipoh Parade to see more ppl. ;-)

Unknown said...

I passed Parade in the car... looked at most 10% more people thant the amount in the pics. hhahah

/me runs.

Anonymous said...

ahahahahah !!

nice pics la :)