Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ahhh if you love drama and mystery anime.

'Higurashi no Naku Koro ni' is total mind fuck. Based on a game it follows chapters of what happens when you screw up in the game. That is my theory since I have only watched up to epi 10 and 4 epis per chapter. Each chapter ends badly so I presume the last chapter is where you sovle the game correctly to have a 'happy' ending. The anime is really a blast and well subbed by both 'Ayu' and 'We are IN Denial - WIND'.

Watch it from the sheer creepiness factor and great story. Voice actors here really gave some of the best performances. Hahaha, if any girl in real talks to me like they do when the 'creep factor' is on I tell you this; I may not be able to sleep at night.

Update: I see there are 20 epis and from what it looks like 4 chapters to one of the 4 girls. Since I bet choosing any of the 4 girls to investigate leads to bad endings and horrible/sad background stories about them then the real culprit should be actually outsider of that circle of friends. The cop maybe? Since you do see him in everyone of the chapters so far. Or is it deeper than that.

1 comment:

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

OMG dieter u started to blog again.. i still remember hitting up at your blog and seeing "the oppsite sex" or sumthing like that ..for ages...

Wellcomeback baby DD ekekeke
Its great to hear from you...not like hidding in the basement anymore... moggs coming back soon..and u know wht that means..BBQ