Saturday, June 10, 2006

VAIN Emergency System

So I was thinking of a good system that emergency services can use in times of natural disasters, fires, rescue, etc. called Video Audio Interface Network Emergency System.

Basically the hardware needed for this is:

Foldable 15-20 feet transmitting antenna.
Laptop for communications.
Handphones with extreme battery life and video recording.
Small 5-6 feet relay antennas that run a bateries.

How this is done is the team sets up a command centre with the large antenna and the laptop hooked up.

Every man has a handphone with a special sim card that can be switched to the VAIN cell network from the normal normal networks.

Once this is done emergency service member spread out to cover the location bringing along the relay antenna should the coverage of the main antenna not reach certain area. The relay antenna relay and boost the signels from the handphones.

With that emergency service members can give live visual and audio reports of the situation back to the command centre via the video recording feature of the handphone. This helps a in few ways: one, specialists in the command centre can give instructions to others in field concerning certain problems like poisonous gases, structual assessment, medical info, etc. Two, it allows specialists on the field to forwarded info needed by other members in other areas. Three, it can be used so that all members on the field can view and be updated live critical situations. Four, allows trapped civilians to be forwarded to a rescue member closest to them so that information can be shared in their rescue.

Basically, a scenario would like this. Person trapped in a building on fire calls for 911 for help. 911 forwards the call to the commander centre on the scene. After gathering details from the person including if possible visual information the command centre can use the relay aantennas to help triangulate the exact whereabouts of the caller. The caller can be forwarded to a rescue operative that is nearest to him or other operative incase the caller needs certain info like how to deal with medical problems or safest escape routes or even how to reach the nearest operative.

The relay antennas are meant to be disposable. But should be retrieved later either for spare parts or if in good condition, recharged and used later.

So what you all think?

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