Friday, March 14, 2008

Penang demostration.

So I was on my way to Komtar and arrived at 3:30pm or there abouts. I heard there may be a rally by Umno so I thought might as well bring my camera. Well it was semi worth it :P Here are the shots with commentary.

I just got off the bus and ran into a bunch of malays. I didn't realise these were the protesters.

3 minutes later this group of 30 people were gone. From what I heard from their conversations they were headed to the Jetty.

Was going to the front of Prangin before the police asked us to move back. Since, I didn't know the protesters already left I thought they still there was about to push into the area.

After a minute people started moving into the front of Prangin. I guess they thought it was safe. So I followed them.

Our boys in blue, here to keep the peace. Notice that they have their M16s in hand and not just the batons and riot shields.

Another shot of them.

"Pack it up boys, it time to go home." Actually they left that vehicle at the bus terminal with 5-6 guys until 6:40pm. I just it was a 'just in case' precaution.

Penangites lay back attitude. We pretty calm and non-violent people. Unlike some others.

A few people shout "Anwar" as the car drove past which resulted in the hand waving. I wonder who it was though, don't think he would be here. Hopefully, some recognises the licence plate.

Penangites are sooo lay back. Gotta love.

4:30pm or there abouts. Traffic restored.

Note about Rapid Bus, during the protesting they made sure those people that wanted to go to Komtar got to Komtar. They went down Pulau Tikus way before making a right into the Citi Bank area and went back up to get behind Prangin. They also allowed people to jump bus to another Rapid Bus that was going to the Jetty if they wanted to.

Prangin Mall locked all its doors to protect shoppers and workers that were inside in case the Protesters got unruly. Most of the shops closed down temporary and some even for the day.

A ghost town.

Some shop workers waiting for the lights to be turned back on. Just before 5pm the all the lights were on, all the shops were open and all the shoppers were back doing their thing. Also the bus terminals were also full of commuters and buses were operating like nothing happen.

Umno protest effect on Penangites = 0%

1 comment:

Mogg said...


lucky i was not there lol