Thursday, May 10, 2007

Social Experiment part 4

So i was bored and started searching around the net on how far my GirlRage had spread since it has been 5 months. Using google i came across this site...

Other then being on all the main torrent sites except Demoniod (the admin i think took it down) i am surprise it is on what looks to be an internet radio site.

Other than that i have been merrily hanging around Sharikou's blog absorbing the insansity of it all. I think my fellow LYN members think i am crazy at times when referring to his blog but it is the crazy people that get the world turning, ne?

Am sure they are very careful not to insult me as i am a Trade Enforcer in the forums but hell i love a good arguement. It's in arguements that the most interesting bits of info pop up.

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