Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New tricks of the trade, the backpacker way.

I notice an interesting trick that backpackers like to use in Penang to get some spare cash. At first I didn't suspect this was a trick until yesterday I saw some backpacker looking forlorn next to the ATM of my bank. So I thought this looks familar. If he ask me for money after I draw out some I know it's a trick.

Sure enough he did. The trick works like this: the person will sit on his ass looking sad as hell until some goes to an ATM to draw out some cash. Then life strings into him as he quotes, "Could you spare some cash, a friend gave me this bank book but it is for this bank that's in Beach Street (25mins drive from where I am) and I was told that I could come here to draw out the money. But the bank here (RHB Bank) tells me I can only draw out money at the one in Beach Street (yeah faggot cuz they are different banks). Could you lend me RM20 so I can take a taxi back to Komtar and eat something. Then I can go tomorrow (Komtar is the bus centre, it has even a free shuttle service to cater the inner town area where that bank happens to be) to the bank and then I'll pay you back. Just tell me your phone number."

He will then introduce himself and ask your name blah blah. Of course being a Penangnite, to give money from our own wallets is to draw blood from a stone. But none the less I gave him RM10 which the grateful fella replies, "What? Only RM10? I need more than that." Well fuck me. Go and ask to wash the dishes for the hawkers. And don't tell you can't cause in Penang you can't walk more than 5 mins without passing 20 hawkers or 2 coffee shops. Anyway my friend, passes him another RM10 off we go with his parting words, "I'll pay you back when I see around here again.' Of course I replied to him, "I doubt it."

With RM10 you can eat a good meal for RM5-6 or go cheap like Chicken rice for RM3.5. Get a Milo or a Coke for RM1.5 and still get the bus to Komtar for RM1.2. Then walk your lazy ass to whatever hostel you need to go to. Or park yourself on the bus bench.

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