Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mindset of Penang about 'Foreigners'.

This is the general consensus from everyone, am sorry if it hurts your feelings but -


If you have money come but don't stay. If you got no money don't come at all we have enough jobs for us not you.

When you are staying here for god's sake remember this is not a kampung. Penang is major city: do not walk in the centre of the roads, the up button on the elevator is for going up and the down button is for going down and finally do not drop your shit on the roads there are enough trash bin around.

We hate that goddamn haze your forest burning farming creates.

KL and other out of state people:

We don't like you and the way you drive. Do not drive on a fairly clear roads at 40km/h. FFS do not drive in the centre of a two lane road. Either one lane or the other, where do you think you are driving? In KL? Do not cut suddenly from one lane to another, we are in Penang there is not that much distance between cars especially during medium and heavy traffic you discourteous buggers. And use you damn indicators if you do want to make a quick switch.

To European foreigners:

We love you, do come again soon.

To sum in it:

We have enough cars here that it is stressful enough without more 'foreign' assholes on the roads.

We have enough people here that it is stressful enough without more clueless 'kampung' messing up the place and beggers looking for the good living instead and taking a proactive stance in your own country to make things better.

// echo
//end rant

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Battle Los Angeles

Well watches it so here is a guide to the movies.

The Aliens:
Wear exo-suits to move.
Their suits are compartmentalised to prevent death, like a ship's hull.
They have a large area that stores one vital organ on the right side of the chest.
Their suits does not protect against 5.56mm rounds and possibly smaller bullets like .45 cal.
Their weapon system is a plasma projectile that has an extremely short range.
They prefer to fire from a high position of more range or may arch their shots.
Their fuel is probably hydrogen taken from the water but may burn both the hydrogen and oxygen to have some recycling of the fuel.
They are completely fuel in efficient as all their vehicles have thrusters of some sort.
They'll population count is very low which is why their invasion force numbers a few 1000 actual soldiers and a few 100 remote drones.
They'll technologically inferior to humans expect for space travel.
Their only technological edge in combat cell/radio triangulation and minor RF/EMP interference.
Aliens are terrible shots or plasma weapons are an area effect style weapon.
They are completely resource strapped hence the attack on Earth because of the large bodies of water. Otherwise going to Jupiter would have been easier since there is no hostile forces there and its a huge gas giant made of hydrogen.

The humans:
Huge armies of millions world wide.
US military has enough guided missiles to wipe out all Alien ships 1000 times over but didn't employ that tactic.
Marines apparently are not targeting centre mass despite their training and inside are aiming either at the arms or legs.
Largest area on the Alien soldiers is their head and chest which the marines fail to hit.
Dilly dallied on launching full air and navel strikes against air assets.
Losing their airbase Independence Day style.
Has absolutely has no co-ordination with Air Force and Marines.
Pilots and tank commanders appear to either have not passed their training or are fitted with highly inaccurate and ineffective vehicles.
Plasma projectiles can't kill with one hit but seems to be able to take out scores of Marines and tanks.
Marines relearn to hit centre mass again during the movie.
Orbital satellites completely not used for any military action.

District 9 + Independence Day = >Battle Los Angeles