Monday, May 18, 2009

The logic of a pebble.

By now almost all of the movie goers around the world have seen the new Star Trek. Some have come to realise that Prime Spock (the Spock from the original Star Trek reality) told the audience that traveling through time only takes you to a different timeline of an alternative reality. That said, Prime Spock may never return to his own time and reality unless Spock is able to calculate and execute re-entry into his reality exactly the same time he left at the exact same spot he ripped reality.

Of course Spock that is good enough reason for Spock to hang around the current reality he is in until he figures it out. Even helps out the new gang once in a while. And if you wondered did he really travel back in time.... no he didn't. The time which Neo enter that reality was present time for them. Prime Spock enter the timeline as it moved 25 years onwards. Did he enter the future of that reality? In a sense, no. Because if he tried travel back in time after enter that reality he would enter another one. Thus, never changing the past of that reality. Confusing isn't it?

Anyway, about the pebble I mention earlier. If Neo never enter that alternative reality and killed Kirk's father will Kirk be like Prime Kirk in all manner of ways? Will Spock be Spock? Who knows but as the saying goes, drop a pebble in a pond and it ripples reach far and wide. Does the ripples change the direction reeds growing in the pond by 1mm? Does it raise the water level high enough affect growth rates? Does it introduces foreign elements into it unknown algae?

The effects will never truly be known but rest assured the traumatic event of having the Kelvin destroyed by Neo as the first encounter of the Romulan race on the whole known Universe. Think of 9/11 and how it affect us all and continues to do so and you will understand why Kirk is Kirk but exactly like him. Why Spock is a raging ball of self confidence and decisive action. Why Scotty is a little more bonkers than he usually is. Why Chekov is now just as able in Maths as Spork. Why Sulu is more outgoing. And so on and so on. Heck, because of that event the Enterprise technology is even more advance that the original Prime Enterprise.

Everything effects everything. No matter how small it is. Maybe, that is what Star Trek is really trying to tell us?