Thursday, November 16, 2006

Social experiment part 2.

Well I said I was gonna put up the name of the file but I changed my mind. I think I'll only do that come the passing of a week. The good news is that the files is now on Google and search results hits several major torrent sites.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Social experiment.

I wanted to see exactly how far can a file, torrented from scratch, will propagate. Of course what I did was remix a bit a fairy well known song from an Aussie group. Created the yesterday 10:34 GMT+8 15 Nov. Uploaded it sometime around 11pm - 1am to several torrent sites. I will seed it for 24hrs so around 12am 17 Nov am gonna stop and see just how many people download the song. How many people commented on whether they like it or not.

Come the deadline I'll post up the name of the song so you guys (whoever is reading this) can go download the song and tell me what ya think. :)